Mutahi Ngunyi has been the topic of discussion with Kenyan asking for actions from the government. This was after a dozen of tweets Ngunyi posted calling the Luo community poor and crowning Raila Odinga father of poverty. A new hashtag has been trending and these are just some of the tweets..
We all know who ends up getting hurt when any form of war is started. Let no one make you hate your neighbour.#WeAreOne #ShutMutahiNgunyiUp— Fiona (@fiona_theartist) August 22, 2015
Maybe Mutahi Ngunyi was trying to show us that his IQ is equivalent to the number of people he follows. #ShutMutahiNgunyiUp— Kemboi IRunThisPitch (@EnockTheGeek) August 22, 2015
MUTAHI NGUNYI should DEMOTE himself to INSTAGRAM. He can then share the WEALTH he has with RICH KIDS OF INSTAGRAM. Haaa! #ShutMutahiNgunyiUp— Dikembe (@Disembe) August 22, 2015
These are just but a few of what trending on the hashtag #shutmutahingunyiup@MutahiNgunyi can swallow his humble pie, Semen or whateva he wants to swallow. We don't care. The case should proceed. #ShutMutahiNgunyiUp— Stoner (@HuMadebe) August 25, 2015